My Christmas CLOTHES List

Has anybody else had to suffer through the traumatising experience of Christmas List making? It can't be just me.
Everybody seems to think it's so easy and it's so fun - my auntie called today because she was shopping and was wondering what I wanted. Which was lovely of her, but it just reminded me of another reason I hate making Christmas lists: I just feel bad. I mean, you're essentially saying that you expect someone to spend a certain amount of money buying you something. It's horrible. The guilt like sits on my shoulder and pokes me.
But it got me thinking; what do I even want for Christmas? Like throughout the year I always think of things I need and kind of mentally go: note to self - add to non-existent Christmas list. And my list does - quite literally - look like this:
Seriously. If there was sound included, you would hear the crickets chirping.
And so I decided to get off my ass and make one. Then I realised that all I really need is . . . well, money and clothes. Which - to some people - may sound boring, but - to me - sounds like an excuse to spend ridiculous amounts of time internet window shopping.

So, without further ado, let me reveal my Christmas Clothes List. (Warning: A LOT of Forever 21 and gold. Mumma likes gold.)
Dress from Missguided -
Dress from American Forever 21 -
Chain by Forever 21 -
Crop top by Forever 21 -
Skirt from Stone Fox -
Beanie from River Island -
Chunky chain from River Island -
top -
Top from H&M -
Top from Forever 21 -
HUF socks -
Top from amazon and ebay
This entire outfit from boohoo - shorts top -
Vintage style denim shorts - amazon
Kimono form new look -

Top from missguided -

And there it is, folks. My Christmas clothes list. I would say enjoy, but looking at all these pretty clothes that you don't have is just depressing. Bye!


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